Know 18 Best Places in North Sikkim Gangtok to Chungthang


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Day1 :- Facts you didn’t know about Sikkim

Day2:- 7 more popular places east Sikkim

Get ready to explore North Sikkim

Get fresh in the morning and complete the breakfast. Pack your luggage and leave for North Sikkim. There are so many beautiful locations to visit in North Sikkim that you will not be able to complete it in one day.Once the tourism map of Sikkim revolved around Gangot only. Today its boundaries extend to the whole of Sikkim. North Sikkim in particular has become a unique attraction for tourists today. Mountains, numerous waterfalls, hot springs, glaciers, rhododendrons, sweetness of magnolias, drifting clouds, flower beds, gumpha all make North Sikkim unique today.

North Sikkim

A permit is required to visit Yumthang. So you should go through a government recognized travel agency. They are the ones who take all the responsibility of getting the travel permit. The travel time is from April to June.At this time of year, the valley is awash in flowers. Very cold in December-January. Although the cold is less in September-November, there are no flowers. But you can enjoy the waterfalls well.

Day 3:-👉🏽 Top 7 places to visit on the way from Gangtok to Chungthang

(1) Kabi Lungchok:- Gangtok is convenient for North Sikkim tourism. Or 54 km away North Sikkim can be seen centered around Mangan, the district headquarters of North Sikkim.

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Kabi Lungchak at an altitude of 4800 feet at a distance of 20 km along the North Sikkim Highway on the way from Gangtok to Yumthang.The thirteenth century was the beginning of its history. It was here that the treaty was signed between the Lepcha Chief Te-Kung-Tek and the Bhutia Chief Khe Bum Sa. On the way from Kabi to Fodong, Phensong Monastery is located amidst the lush nature of North Sikkim.

(2) Fensong Monastery:-This cave was built in 1721. It was later destroyed by fire in 1947, which was rebuilt in 1948. Chamu festival is held here every year on 28-29th of the tenth month of the Tibetan calendar. At a distance of 4 km from here, 1 km from the main road is the famous Fodong Monastery.

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(3) Fodong Monastery:- The architectural style of this 220-year-old monastery at a height of four and a half thousand feet is very similar to that of Rumtek Gumpha.It is among Sikkim’s most exquisite monasteries. The murals are exquisite. Lalrang Gumpha is 2 kilometers away. is accessible via foot or by jeep.

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(4) Seven Sisters Falls:- Further along the route is the Seven Sisters Falls, which is 33 km from Gangtok. It will be nice to spend some time in the beautiful nature. There is a tourism department cafeteria. From Gangtok there are regular buses to Phodong 2.30/3 hours journey 39 km.To explore, you can also lease a jeep. Mangan is the district headquarters of North Sikkim at a distance of 29 km from Fodong.

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(5) Mangan:- The height of this ancient city is 3950 feet. Pentok is 2 km beyond the market area. Government offices are here. Mount Sinialchu can be seen from Pentok if the weather is good. There are some decent hotels to stay here. Singhik is 5 km away.

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(6) Singhik:- Beautiful scenery in the midst of hill-surrounded nature. Kanchenjunga can be seen from here. There are Singhik Gumpha and Chorten. Love the cave work, the frescoes. There are several beautiful trekking routes to explore from here.

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(7) Naga Falls:- 70 km from Gangtok, Naga Falls is another beautiful waterfall located near Lachung in North Sikkim. Located on the Gangtok-Chungthang road, it is one of the waterfalls in Sikkim and one of the tourist attractions in Lachung.Naga Falls is one of the longest and most beautiful waterfalls with very clear and ice-cold water. It is a multi-tiered waterfall. The main fall is quite far from the main road so one has to trek up a rocky path to get a view.

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The place offers a picturesque view of the snow-capped mountains all around. During monsoons the water flow becomes very heavy and even dangerous.

Chungthang is the confluence of Lachung and Lachen rivers

(1) Chungthang:- [STOP POINT] Chungthang introduction is very important. When you leave hotel from Gangtok try to take hotel or room stay at Chungthang. Chungthang is 30 km from Mangan and 84 km from Gangtok. Altitude 5600 feet. The word Chungthang means the meeting place of two rivers. Teesta River is born from the confluence of Lachung and Lachen rivers here. It is mainly inhabited by the Lepcha community. Various types of orchids, numerous flowers are available.

north sikkim

The scenery around is beautiful. This point bifurcates into two roads, one leading north-west through Lachen towards Gurudongmar Lake. The other route goes north-east through the Lachung valley towards Yumthang. Guru Padmasambhava is said to have halted here, his footprints on the hill. Rest one night at Chungthang and next morning get ready to travel towards Lachen. Accommodation is PWD BUNGLOW, HOTEL NEELAM, HOTEL PEMA GHASAL, HOTEL SONAM.

Day 4:- 👉🏽 5 best points from Lachen to Cholamu valley

👉🏻 Fix the road as we guide you. You can save both time and money and enjoy a beautiful tour.

(1) Lachen:- This small village is Lachen at an altitude of 2750 meters. It takes 4/5 hours from Gangtok, the distance is 112 km. The word la means passage and the word chen means large. . The main livelihood of the residents hereanimal husbandry Green Lake Trekking starts from Lachen. The area was opened to tourists on December 20, 2000. So many people call it ‘Destination of the Millennium’ ie the best destination of the century. Nature has shown itself here. So even though the tourism system is not that developed, the travel hungry mind is satisfied.


(2) Thangu Valley:- Thangu is the last town of Sikkim. The distance from Lachen is 28 km, it takes one and a half hours. Next is the Tibetan border. There are tourist guest houses to stay in Thangu. Chopta valley at 13200 feet altitude 6 km from Thangu.


(3) Chopta Valley:- Snow-capped mountains on one side, with alpine flowers blooming in June-July). This makes the valley incomparable. The path is quite difficult and requires special permission. Gurudongmar Lake is 47 km from Lachen.

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(4) Gurudongmar Lake:- The calm and clear water of this lake at an altitude of 17000 feet relieves many ailments. This is the largest and probably the highest lake in Sikkim. Should go out to the lake early in the morning. Because the beauty of this route is incomparable but the weather sometimes causes disruptions.

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Various travel agents from Gangtok are taking 2 nights 3 days package tour to Lachen-Chopta Gurudongma Lake. If your horse is complete then you come back to Chungthang. Be ready next morning from Lachung to zero point. Remember this travel experience in your life for the rest of your life. Go further seven kilometers and you will find Cholamu valley.

(5) Cholamu Valley:- At a height of roughly 5330 meters, Cholamu Lake is only a few kilometers from the border between India and China. It is the 14th highest lake in the world and the highest lake in India. It is close to the Indo-Tibetan border and requires clearance from the Army, Sikkim Tourism, Sikkim Police, and government. Compared to other locations in Sikkim, Cholamu Lake is an uncommon location in North Sikkim and is less frequently visited by visitors. When you arrive, you’ll see that you were going to skip a spectacular picturesque area on your route.From Chungthang, Cholamu Lake is 101 kilometers away.

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The most practical way to get from Chungthang to Cholamu Lake is by taxi. Even though we need to obtain a “Inner Line Permit” (ILP) in order to access Gurudongmar Lake, you must have a Restricted Protected Area Permit (RAP). Only Indians are permitted; foreigners are not.

Day 5:-👉🏽 5 best points from Bhim Nala Falls to Zero Point

Lachung, 21 km from Chungthang, 104 km from Gangtok at an altitude of about 9000 feet.

(1) Bhim Nala Falls:- Bheem Nala Falls:-11 km from Chungthang, Bheem Nala Falls is a beautiful waterfall located in Khedum village near Lachung in North Sikkim. It is one of Sikkim’s tallest waterfalls and a well-liked tourist destination in Lachung. Located on the Chungthang-Lachung road, Bheem Nala Falls is also called Amitabh Bachchan Falls due to its height. The water falls from a very high mountain and looks like a three tiered waterfall. The sound of falling water can be heard from far away. Just opposite the falls there is a tea shop and a small view point that offers a beautiful view of the falls.

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(2) Lachung:- Nature is incomparable. Along with the popularity of Yumthang Valley, Lachung has also developed as a tourist destination. As there is no accommodation in Yumthang, one has to stay in Lachung. This region is mainly inhabited by the Bhutia community. The lifestyle of the people can be seen in the village. They are still carrying their past traditions, religion and culture. At the end of winter, numerous rhododendron flowers bloom all over the hills. Nearby is the Lachung River, Chumajong waterfall.

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Monastery on the banks of the river. Enthusiasts can also spend time fishing in the river. All people rejoice during Cham Lo festival in December.Yumthang from here. Lachung produces a lot of leeches during the monsoons. 15 km west of Lachung is Tibetan border. Lachung has several hotels, lodges, rest houses.

(3) Katao:-  A little ahead of Lachung, the road turns to the right, Katao. It takes about an hour. The distance is 25 km. A delight for those who enjoy the
outdoors.Cross the Lachung River for 24 km at an altitude of 12,000 feet. There are also colorful flowers and snow-capped mountains. The ice is broken. Play with ice. One can enjoy nature’s calm buried form with eyes full.

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(4) Yumthang Valley:- 47 km from Chungthang and 26 km from Lachung, Yumthang is a valley of flowers at an altitude of 11800 feet. Nature has unleashed all its beauty here. This part of Sikkim is aptly named Valley of Flowers. Which has become unique to tourists today. Direct route from Gangtok. Various travel agencies are taking people here. The road passed along the banks of the river Teesta. The beauty of the path is unmatched. Hills and rows of rhododendrons on both sides. About 108 types of orchids are found in this region. This orchid takes on different colors in April-May.

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As colorful in summer, it becomes white in winter, covered with snow. Sometimes Begvati springs come down from the mountain. At the end of the day we have to reach Lachung. Then the play of lights across the mountain. All around is a calm atmosphere. During the day, a herd of yaks can be seen walking across the road, the shepherd behind. Military check post on the way. Photography is prohibited. Sometimes wooden houses. 4 km before Yakse (meaning Yak’s pasture), there is a nature garden, colorful primula, rhododendron, cherry, oak, maple, magnolia flower bed.

north sikkim

Among the wide horizons is the nature. Snow cover on mountains. During winter the entire valley is covered with snow. Small and large showers freeze. There are hot springs across the Lachung River, flowing Lachung River. A few houses. A group of yaks roams around. Yak milk and meat is the main food here. Mantin is 2 km away. There is a Shiva temple. Devata’s Prasad is available. There is an army check post here. 8 km away is Yumesemdong. India-China border. A separate permit is required to go there.

(5) Zero Point,Yumesamdong:- Zero Point commonly known as Yumesamdong is not covered in tour, 500 rs/person but this place is heaven on earth, 15000 feet above sea level zero point was covered with snow and snow covered mountains.This place in North Sikkim is called zero because the civilian road ends here and it is very close to the Chinese border so special permission is required to reach there.

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Some important things 🤷🏽‍♂️

Conducted Tour There is no other way to visit Yumthang without a package tour from Gangtok. There are different types of tours, ranging from two days to seven days. Two or three day tours are more crowded. Good discounts are available in offseason. But these tours also have some disadvantages. 8 9 passengers are taken in the jeep. You have to live together. So need to check before booking. Some companies cheat passengers in various ways by luring them for less money.

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