Know the history and significance of Human Rights Day


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On Dec 10th, world observes Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day

Every year on December 10th, the world celebrates International Human Rights Day, marking the announcement of human rights adoption by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Officially recognized in 1950, Human Rights Day aims to ensure a world where all individuals feel secure and can lead lives free from discrimination.

These rights encompass various aspects, including health, economics, social welfare, and education. The theme for the 2023 Human Rights Day is ‘Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All,’ emphasizing the fundamental principles of human rights. This annual observance was established to raise awareness about the rights of individuals globally.

In India, the Human Rights Act was enforced on September 28, 1993, leading to the formation of the ‘National Human Rights Commission’ on October 12, 1993. Human rights are enshrined in Part III of the Indian Constitution as fundamental rights, with legal provisions for punishing those who infringe upon these rights.

Human Rights Day serves as a significant opportunity for worldwide solidarity, promoting awareness about the vital importance of human rights day within our societies, especially in the wake of the pandemic. It underscores the need to rebuild communities while prioritizing and protecting the rights of every individual.

Every individual worldwide, irrespective of their location or circumstances, deserves fundamental rights that cannot be stripped away based on factors such as religion, gender, caste, or creed. These basic human rights day are inherent, guaranteed to everyone, and should be embraced without fear or hesitation.

To honor and advocate for these rights, we commemorate World Human Rights Day annually on December 10th. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), comprising 30 articles, was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 as the cornerstone for ensuring fundamental human rights universally.

Human Rights Day was formally established on December 10, 1950, following the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Resolution 423(V). Since then, it has been an annual observance. The devastating impact of the World Wars underscored the necessity for a global commitment to human rights.

The UN Declaration of Human Rights day emerged as a symbol of hope and justice, emphasizing the significance of safeguarding human rights. Over the decades since the UDHR’s inception, human rights have gained recognition and protection worldwide. The UDHR forms the bedrock for an expanding framework of human rights safeguarding, focusing on vulnerable groups like individuals with disabilities, indigenous communities, and migrants.

However, recent years have seen a sustained assault on the promise of dignity and equal rights as outlined in the UDHR. Amid challenges such as pandemics, conflicts, escalating inequalities, a morally deficient global financial system, racism, and climate change, the values and rights enshrined in the UDHR provide guidance for collective action that leaves no one behind.

The Human Rights 75 initiative, spanning a year, aims to enhance awareness of the universality of the UDHR and the activism associated with it, seeking to steer us towards a more inclusive and just world. This initiative intends to catalyze a shift in our approach, emphasizing a deeper understanding and proactive measures to uphold the principles embedded in the UDHR.

Amidst the multifaceted challenges faced globally, including humanitarian crises, socio-economic disparities, and environmental threats, the UDHR serves as a beacon guiding our efforts towards a world where every individual’s rights and dignity are respected and protected.

The Human Rights 75 initiative underscores the urgency of collective action and advocacy to reinforce the core values of freedom, equality, and justice. It aims to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the significance of human rights and to spur meaningful engagement in promoting and defending these rights on a local and global scale.

As we mark this Human Rights Day and reflect on the milestone achievements and ongoing struggles, it’s imperative to reaffirm our commitment to championing human rights for all. Through education, advocacy, and concerted efforts, we can build a more equitable and just society, one where every person’s inherent dignity and rights are upheld and celebrated.

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