Exploring Guru Nanak Jayanti’s Fascinating History and Insights!


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Guru Nanak Jayanti is also known as Gurupurab

The Sikh religion’s founder and first guru, Guru Nanak Dev, is celebrated on his birth anniversary on Guru Nanak Jayanti, also known as Gurpurab. The holy book of the Sikh religion, the Guru Granth Sahib, is recited together with songs during the festival, which is observed with intense devotion.

The holy and cheerful celebration known as Guru Nanak Jayanti, or Gurpurab, is observed by Sikhs worldwide to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sikhism’s founder, Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It’s a good idea to consider Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings and promote love, compassion, and togetherness this year as we unite to commemorate Guru Nanak Jayanti in 2023.

Guru Nanak Jayanti is a day to celebrate the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and to contemplate and express thanks. Let’s endeavor to live up to the Sikhism ideals when we send each other greetings, sayings, and messages. May everyone experience joy, serenity, and enlightenment on this Guru Nanak Jayanti.

Monday, November 27 is the day on which Guru Nanak Jayanti is held this year. Sikhs around commemorate the Sikh festival with the deepest love and respect. Kartik Purnima, or the full moon date of Kartik month, is when Guru Nanak Jayanti is celebrated annually. On this day, Parkash Utsav is also observed.

The festival is celebrated with enthusiasm not only in India but also across the globe, where Sikh communities organize Nagar Kirtans (religious processions), devotional singing, and community service events. In the Pakistani town of Rai Bhoi di Talwandi, which is today known as Nankana Sahib, close to Lahore, Guru Nanak Dev was born in 1469.

Several of his hymns were collected in the Adi Granth by Guru Arjan Dev. The first guru of the Sikhs visited numerous regions of Asia in addition to India on pilgrimages. He preached the message of love, equality, and oneness of God, emphasizing the importance of selfless service and devotion. He was a spiritual leader and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus.

From his early years, Guru Nanak Dev had been deeply committed to the Divine. He dedicated his entire life to advancing tolerance and equality. The message of selfless service to humanity was propagated by his teachings. The central theme of the Guru Granth Sahib’s verses is that there is only one creator of the cosmos.

Prabhat Pheris, or early morning processions, are organized two days prior to the festival, during which devotees journey to the locations while singing hymns. Devotees also engage in Nagar kirtan the day before the birthdate of Guru Nanak Dev. The march is led by the Panj Pyare, or five men holding the Nishan Sahib, the Sikh triangle flag.

Prayers are offered in Gurdwaras all day on the day of Gurpurab. The festival’s numerous events last until late at night, when devotees partake in langar. The traditional prasad provided on auspicious occasions is kada prasad, and langar meal is regarded as auspicious. Guru Nanak’s early life was marked by spiritual inclination.

He embarked on extensive travels, engaging in deep contemplation and gaining insights that later formed the foundation of Sikhism. His teachings revolved around the concept of “Ik Onkar” (there is only one God), advocating the belief in equality and unity among all individuals, irrespective of caste, creed, or gender.

Guru Nanak laid the groundwork for Sikhism, emphasizing the importance of honest living, meditation, and selfless service (‘seva’). He passed on his wisdom through hymns and writings that were compiled into the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism. Guru Nanak Jayanti symbolizes the birth of a divine soul whose teachings continue to inspire millions.

It serves as a reminder of his profound wisdom and principles that promote harmony, compassion, and righteousness. Sikhs recite passages from the Guru Granth Sahib, their sacred book, as part of their Akhand Path observance on the day of Guru Nanak Jayanti.

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