4 Mouthwatering Ilish Recipes That Will Make You Fall in Love with Bengali Cuisine!


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Ilish also known as Hilsa fish

Ilish, also known as the Hilsa fish, is a highly esteemed and flavorsome fish in Bengali cuisine, especially popular in Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal. Its rich taste and unique flavor make it a staple in various traditional dishes. There are numerous delectable recipes centered around Ilish, showcasing its versatility in culinary preparations.

This silver-colored fish is primarily found in rivers and estuaries and is highly prized for its rich, oily texture and exquisite taste. Its flavor is often described as delicate, slightly sweet, and with a hint of natural saltiness, making it a sought-after ingredient in various traditional dishes. The versatility of Ilish allows it to be prepared in numerous ways, each highlighting its inherent taste and texture.

One of the most famous and cherished ways to prepare Ilish is Ilish Bhapa, Another beloved dish is Ilish Bhaja, Ilish Polao, Ilish Paturi. These recipes highlight the versatility of Ilish in Bengali cuisine, showcasing its ability to be prepared in various mouthwatering ways, each bringing out the fish’s distinct taste and texture.

The popularity of Ilish extends beyond its taste; it holds cultural significance in Bengali festivals and celebrations. Its availability during monsoon months makes it a symbol of joy and festivity in the region’s culinary traditions.

Ilish steamed


Ingredients: Ilish 700 grams, curd, mustard paste, sugar, turmeric powder, green chillies, mustard oil and salt.

Method: Cut the fish parts apart from the laza wrap and wash and keep clean. In a bowl, mix sour curd, mustard oil, chopped green chillies, turmeric powder, salt and fish. No need to add sugar if it is sweet curd. Heat this pot on low flame and cover it a little. Shake the pot occasionally. Stir carefully with a fork so as not to catch or break the fish. When the fish is cooked and coated with spices and oil, take it down.

Curd Ilish


Ingredients: 1 kg of ilish fish, 500 grams of sour curd, 2 teaspoons of ginger, half teaspoon of mustard, 300 grams of mustard oil, 15 green chillies and salt.

Method: Wash the fish and apply salt and turmeric. Chop the green chillies. Fry in hot oil with green chillies and ginger. If fried lightly, add turmeric and salt to the water. When the broth starts to boil, release the fish. When the broth is thick, mix sour curd, mustard well and pour it in a bowl. You will see that it falls evenly on each piece of fish. Add a few whole green chillies and lightly boil them.

Ilish Polao


Ingredients: 1 Ilish fish, basmati pepper 1 kg, 250 g ghee, 100 g milk, sugar, turmeric and salt to taste, 1 tsp ginger, 1 tsp crushed garam masala, 4 bay leaves-for boiling, 1 g ginger, 1 tsp saffron or turmeric powder, 2 teaspoons of crushed garam masala, 7 bay leaves, 3 teaspoons of dry chili powder, 25 grams of raisins for rubbing in rice.

Method: Wash and salt the Ilish fish piles and belly separately, keep it wrapped in turmeric, soak the rice in water, after half an hour add rice water and dry it, then add bay leaf, dried onion powder, ginger, salt, crushed garam masala, turmeric or Mix the saffron and garam ghee and mix the ghee and spices well with the rice.

Boil a pot of water, add bay leaves, ginger and crushed garam masala with ghee and fry it lightly. When the sound of frying rice, pour hot boiling water, the water should be four inches above the rice, now pour sugar, milk, fish, raisins and cover it, occasionally shake it with a whisk.

Do not use a sleeve or fork, when the rice When the rice is almost cooked and the water is dry, take the pan off the heat, shake the pan occasionally, in half an hour the rice will be cooked and crisp, spread the ghee and garam masala on it and simmer for a little water cover and serve after 10 minutes.

Ilish fish oil Jhal


Ingredients: 1 kg Ilish fish, turmeric powder, 2-3 bay leaf, panch fodan – half teaspoon, 3-4 dry chili, salt and oil.

Method: Add bay leaf, panchphodan, dry chillies to a pan with oil and stir and release the fish. Add enough water to it, add turmeric powder, salt and chopped green chillies. When it boils, keep it aside to keep the broth as needed.

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